Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Marriage - William W Baldwin & Elizabeth "Betsey" Luttrell

This was sent to me from Knox County in 1983. The paper it was printed on faded badly over the years so I photo copied on the darkest settings. I will just reorder at some point but I wanted to put it in a post. I have never seen a marriage record like this.

State of Tennessee
County of Knox

Know all men by these Presents, That we William Baldwin and
Elijah Harris
all of the county and state aforesaid, our heirs, &c, are jointly and severally held
and firmly bound unto His Excellency the Governor, and his Successors in Office,
in the Penal sum of Twelve Hundred and Fifty Dollars, void on condition there be
no lawful objection why William Baldwin and
Betsey Luttrell may not be joined together
as man and wife in the holy estate of Matrimony.

Witness our hands and seals, this 25th day of March 1809.

(signed) William Baldwin
(signed) Elijah Harris


State of Tennessee
Knox County

To any Regular MINISTER of the Gospel, have the cure of Souls, or JUS-
TICE of the PEACE for said County, GREETING:

By the virtue of the full power and authority in me vested, I hereby authorise and
empower you, or either of you, to celebrate and perform the rites of Matrimony
between William Baldwin and Betsey
Luttrell and join them together as man and wife in the holy
estate of Matrimony, he having given bond and security as the Law directs.

Given at Office, the 25th day of march in the
Year of our Lord, 1809 and in the XXXIII Year of our Independence

(signed) can't read

Monday, September 6, 2010

Transcript of Pension File - Hugh Wilson Baldwin - Part 1

Page 1

State of Tennessee } In the Pension claim
County of Bradley } No 282.217 of Deborah
L Baldwin wido of Hugh W Baldwin of, Co. I
10th Tennessee Cavy personally appeared before me
an acting justice of the Peace in and for the
afforesaid County and State. Marshal Lawson
a citizen of Bradley County and State of Tennessee
well known to me to be Reputable and Entitled
to credit and who being duly sworne, declares in
relations to the afforesaid case as follows that I
was a first Lieut in Co. I of the 10th Regt of
Tennessee vol cavy age 39 years and my Post offis address
is Climer Tennessee and that I was personally and
Intimately acquainted with the said Hugh W Baldwin
for the last twentyfive years and from all apperance
the said Hugh W Baldwin was a sound man prior to
or at the time of his Enlistment. affiant futher states
that on or about the spring of 1865 the precise date
not remembered while at Natchez Mississippi the
said Hugh W Baldwin claimed to be suffering very
much with hemorrhoids or diorhea I advised the said

Page 2
Hugh W Baldwin to report to the Doctor for treatment
and by so doing that likely he would be able for duty
in a few days. affiant futher states that since and
after his discharge the said Hugh W Baldwin has
not been able physically to do manual labor and I
make this affidavit with full knowledge of the facts
from personal observation while in the servis and
also for a period of five years since his discharge
before he moved to Rhea County Tennessee. affiant
futher states that I have no itnerest in the above
case nor am not conserned in its prosecution.
(signed) Marshal Lawson

Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 7th day
of february 1889 and I herby certify that the contence
of the above delcaration were fuly maid known to
him before swearing and that I have no interest
in this case nor am not conserned in its prosectuion.
(signed) W N N Baker J P For
Bradley County Tenn

Page 3
State of Tennessee } In the Pension claim
County of Bradley } No 282.217 of Deborah
L Baldwin widow of Hugh W Baldwin of Co I
10th Tennessee cavy personally appeared before me
an acting justis of the Peace in and for the
afforesaid county and state. E. S Broyles a
citizen of Bradley Count and State of Tennessee
well known to me to be Reputable and Entitled
to credit and who being duly sworn declares in
relation to the afforsaid case as follows that his
age is 37 years and his Post offis address is Stamper
Bradley County Tennessee and that he was a privet
in Co I 10th Tennessee cavalry and has ben intimately
acquianted with the said Hugh W Baldwin from my
erliest recollection from the fact we were raised up
in the same Neighborhood and from all appearance
he was a sound man prior to or at the time of his
Enlistement affaiant futher states that in the
Spring of 1865 while at Natches Mississippi the said
Hugh W Baldwin claimed to be suffering very
much with Hemorrhoid or diorhea

Page 4
affiant further states that he was with
the said Hugh W Baldwin often times after
he was discharged from the servis for a period of
about seven year at which times the said
Baldwin moved to rhea county Tennesseee.
affiant futher states that the said Baldwin
were still complaining of his diseas affiant futher
States that he saw the said Hugh W Baldwin twice
after the said Baldwin moved to Rhea County
and the said Baldwin then told him his
diseas was getting worse affiant futher states
that he has no interest in the above case and
not conserned in its prosicution.
(signed) E. S. Broyles

Also Nathan Palmer appeared and declares
in the afforesaid case as follows that his age
is 36 years and Post offis address is Grief Bradley
County Tenn and he is a citizen of Bradley
County Tennessee and that he has ben personally
acquainted with the said Hugh W Baldwin
for 25 years affiant futher states he was a
privet in co I 10th Tennessee cavy and that
while at Natches Mississippi in the Spring

page 5
1865 the said Hugh W Baldwin was
complaining of Hemorrhoids or diohrea very much
affiant futher states that also that while at
Johnsonville Tennessee after they left Natches Mississippi
the said Hugh W Baldwin was still complaining
of Hemorrhoids and diorhea, affiant further stats
that the said Hugh W Baldwin was complaining
more or less for a period of about seven years
after his discharge at which time the said
Hugh W Baldwin moved to Rhea County Tenn.
affiant futher states that he assisted the said
Baldwin in moving to Rhea County and while
there the said Baldwin employed him to do some work
on account of his disability. affiant further states
taht he has no itnerest in this case and is not conserned
in its prosecution.
(signed) Nathan Palmer

Sworn to and subscribed this the 21 day of February 1883
and I certify the contence of the above declaration were fuly
maid known to the above named affiants befor
swearing and that I have no interest in this
case and not conserned in its prosecution.
(signed) W N N Baker JP
for Bradley County

page 6
This is to certify that W H H Baker whose
genuine signature appears to the foregoing
affidavit is and was at the date thereof an
acting magistrate in & for said County. He
was duly elected commissioned and sworn
& full faith & credit [?] all his offis as
....(there appears to be a line cut off in copying the document)

Given at offices 1st day of
March 1883. J H Rucker [?]

Page 7
1869 Hugh W Baldwin to } I solemnized this Rites
Aug 28 Deborah L Cowden } of matrimony between the
} within named parties on the
} 29th of August 1869
} (signed) W B Ballinger M.S.

State of Tennessee } I J H Rucker Clerk of
Bradley County } the County Court of said
County do certify that the
forgoing is a correct copy of the marriage
records of my offics and that I am well acqu
inted with W B Ballinger and know him to be
a regularly ordained Minister of the Gospel
and that his signature to the original license
is genuine and that the same are on file
and of record in my offics & that I have
no interest in the prosecution of this claim

Given at offics in Cleveland
under official seal this 22 June
1881. (signed) J H Rucker Clk.

Page 8
State of Tennesse }
County of Rhea } S.S.

In the matter claim No. 282.217
Deborah L Baldwin

On this 24th day of
January A.D. 1882 personally appeared
before me a Justice of the Peace in and
for the aforesaid County & State duly authorized
to administer oaths. J. C. Abernathy M.D.
aged 58 years a resident Rhea Springs
in the County of Rhea and State of Tennessee
whos Post office address is Rhea Springs
Tennessee will known to me to be a
Physician and Surgeon and to be reputable
and entitled full credit and who
being duly sworn declares in relation
to the aforesaid case. On examining my
bookos I find Hugh W Baldwin charges with
[?] [?] dated Sept 5th 1874 The childs
name is Ida H Baldwin, and on February
the 10th 1878 John A Baldwin was born.
I being the attending physician
Mrs Deborah L Baldwin is the mother of
the above named children, and wife
of Hugh W Baldwin dead. And I am
not concerned in the prosecution of this
(Signed) J C Abernathy M.D.

Page 9
Sworn to and subscribed before me this day
by the above named affiant, and I certify
that I am in no wise interested in said
case nor am I concerned in its prosecution
and that the said affiant is personally
known to me to be a creditable person.
(signed) Wm W Lowe JP

State of Tennessee County of Rhea
I certify that W.W. Lowe Esqr
who hath signed his name to the
foregoing declarations and affadavit
was at the time of so doing a Justice of
the Peace in and for said County & State
duly commissioned and sworn that
all his official acts are entitled to full
faith and credit and that his signature thereout
is genuine Winess my hand and seal of
office this 24 day of January 1882
(Signed) W. S Gillespie
Deputy County Clk

Page 10
State of Tennessee }
County of Knox } SS

In the matter
of claim no 282.217 of Deborah L. Baldwin.

On this 17th day of January A.D. 1882
personally appeared before me a Justice of
the Peace, in and for aforesaid County of
Knox and State of Tennessee, duly author-
ized to administer oaths, Dr. J. H. Johnston
aged 28 years, a resident of Ball Camp
in the County of Knox and State of
Tennessee whose post office address is Ball
Camp Tenn well known to me to be respecta
ble and entitled to credit, and who being
duly sworn, declares in relation to the afore-
said case that he was present on the 14th day
of June, 1871 and waited upon Mrs. Deb-
orah L Baldwin, Wife of Hugh W Bald-
win at the birth of her first born child
named Carry A Baldwin and that I have
no interest, direct or indirect for which this
affidavit is made. My book account shows
the date as herein given.
(signed) J. H. Johnston M.D.

Page 11
State of Tennessee County of
Sworn to and subscribed before me, t his day
by the above named affiant and I cer
tify that I read said affidavite to the officer
before me executing the same and that I am in
no wise interested in said case, nor am I
concerned in its prosecution and that the
affiant is a creditable person. (Signed) C. Morris
Justice of Peace

I certify that C. Morris Esqr, who
hath signed his name to the above declaration
and affidavit was the time of so doing
a Justice of the Peace in and for said
County and State duly commissioned and
sworn, that all his official acts are enti
tled to full faith and credit and that his
signature thereunto is genuine.

Witness my hand and Seal of Official
This 30 day of January 1882
Signed J F J Lewis
Clerk of County Court

Page 12
On this 24th day of January AD 1822
personally appeared before me a Justice
of the peace in and for the afforesaid
County & State duly authorized to administer
oaths Y. L. Abernathy MD aged 36 years
a resident of Rhea Springs in the County
of Rhea and State of Tennessee whos Post
Office address is Rhea Springs Tennessee
well known to me to be a Physician and
Surgeon and to be reputable and entitled
to full credit and who being duly sworn
declare in relation to the aforesaid case
that Feb 1lth 1876 James
E A Baldwin was born and Aug
16th 1880 Emma B Baldwin was born.
I being the Physician in attendance
in both cases. I find the dates upon
my books. Their Mother Mrs Deborah
L Baldwin was the wife of Hugh
W Baldwin deceased. I have no interest
in the prosecution of this claim
(signed) Y. L. Abernathy

Page 13
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this day by the above named affiant
and I certify that I am in no wise interested
in said case nor am I concerned in its
prosecution and that said affiant is
personally known to me to be a creditable person
(signed) Wm W Lowe, JP

State of Tennessee County of Rhea,
I certify that W.W. Lowe, Esqr
who hath signed his name to the foregoing
declaration and affidavit was at the time
of so doing a Justice of the Peace in and for
said County and State duly commissioned
and sworn that all his official acts are
entitled to full faith and credit and that
his signature thereunto is genuine
Witness my hand and Seal of Office this
24 day of January 1882.
(signed) W.S. Gillespie
Deputy County Clk

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Transcript of Pension File - Hugh Wilson Baldwin - Part 2

Page 14
State of Tennessee          }  In the matter of Deborah
County of Bradley          }  L Baldwin widow of
Hugh W Baldwin late of Co I 10th Tenn
cavaldry whose number of claim is 282.217 on this the 30th day of October
1882 Personally appeared before me an acting
Justice of the Peace and for the afforesaid
county duly authorized to administer
oaths W H H Baker aged 40 years
a resident of Grief in the County of Bradley
and State of Tennessee whose Post offis
address is Grief Bradly County Tennessee
and Joseph J W Baker aged 44
years a resident of Grief with County
of Bradley and State of Tennessee whose
Post offis is Grief Bradley County Tennessee
well known to me to reputable and
entitled to credit and who being duly
sworn declare in relation to the aforesaid
case as follows W H H Baker states he
was well acquainted with the said
Hugh W Baldwin from the time
said Baldwins came home out of the servis
until the year 1873 at which time he
moved to Rhea County Tennessee

page 15
an in a short time after he came home
he told me he was suffering with
diarrhea and hemorhoids which gave him
a [?] of trouble I was more or less
with him from the time he was discharged
up to the year 1873 from the fact we were
near neighbors and during the years of
1871 and 1872 and part of 1879 he lived
on my farm and worked some with
me at times he complained very
much I think that up to the year
1879 he was not disabled from performing
manual labor upon our avridge more
than one fourth but from the year
1871 up to the year 1873 I think he was
disabled about one third & I further
state taht Deborah L Baldwin widow
of Hugh W Baldwin has never married
since the death of her husband.

Joseph J W Baker States he was
well acquainted with said Hugh
W Baldwin from the time he was
discharged up to the year 1873

page 16
and was with him often and
herd him complaining from the
fact we lived joining farms part of
the time he labored some but was
complaining at times very much
the first few years after his discharge
I don't think he was disabled for
performing manual labor more than
one fourth.  But during the last two
years he remained here I think
probably he was disabled one third.
And I further state that Deborah
L. Baldwin widow of Hugh W Baldwin
has never remarried since the death
her husband.

We further declare that we have no interest
in said case and are not concerned in
its prosecution

(signed) W H H Baker
Joseph J W Baker
affiant signature

page 17
State of Tennessee County of Bradley
sworn to and subscribed befor me this
day by the above named affiants and
I certify that I read said affidavit to
said affiant and acquainted them
with its contents before I executed the same
I further certify that I am in no wise
interested in said case nor am I
concerned in its prosecution and that said
affiants are personally known to me and that
they are credible persons

(Signed) F. M. Routh
JP For B. C.

This is to certify that F M Routh whose genuine
signature appears to this above affidavit is & was
the date therego an acting Magistrate in & for
in County he was commissioned 18 Aug 1822 &
(some cut) same will expire 18 Aug 1888 [?] [?]
[?] [?]

Given at offics in Cleveland
1st November 1882 & I certify that
I have no interest in this claim
J. H. Rucker Clerk
Bradley County Court Tenn

Page 18
State of Tennessee          }
County of Rhea                                } S.S.

On this 9th day of
April 1881 personally appeared
before me a notary public for and
in aforesaid County & State J. G.
Ewing and W. K. Fugate both
respectable citizens of the County
and State above named who
after being duly sworn according
to law declares that they seen
Hugh W Baldwin late R2 M
Sergt Co I, 10th Tenn, Cavy US Vols No. claim
for pension 296.675 In death on
the 14th day of March 1881 and that they
seen the said Hugh W Baldwin
Buried on the 16th day of March 1881 and
that their Post office address is
Rhea Springs Rhea Co, Tenn, and
that they have no interest direct
or indirect in the matter that calls
for this affidavit.  (signed) J G Ewing
W. K. Fugate

Sworn to and subscribed before
me this 9th day of April 1881 and I
hereby certify that the contents of the
aforegoing affidavit [?]fully made
to the affiants before swearing thereto
that the affiants is to me well known
to be respetable and worthy of credit
and that I have no interest direct or indirect
in the prosecution of this claim.
(Signed) J. B. Peters
Notary Public

Page 19
I R L Allen Dept Clerk of the
County Court in and for afore
said County and State do Certify
that J B Peters Esqr who hath
signed his name to the foregoing
[?] uses at the time of so
doing a Notary Public in and
for said COunty & State duly
commissioned and sworn
that all his official acts
are entitled to full faith and credit
and that his signature thereto is genuine.
Witness my hand and seal
of office this 22nd April 1881
(signed) R L Allen Dept
Clerk of County Court
Rhea Co Tenn

Page 20
State of Tennessee          }
Bradley County                                }
Feb 12th 1881                  }

In the case of Hugh W
Baldwin.  I will state that I was acquainted
with him before the war, and up till the
war commenced and considered him at
that time a healthy man.  Have known
his family for a long time and
from my knowledge of him and the
family I believe he was a healthy
man.  I however did not see him for
a short time before he inlisted and
consequently can not state his condition
at this time of enlistment.
I have no interest in the clam.
(signed) A McNabb MD
Sworn and subscribed
before me this 12 February
1881 & I certify that I have
no interest in the prosecution
of this claim
J. H. Rucker Clk

Page 21
State of Tennessee
Department of Public Health
Certified Copy Number

1. Place of Death
County Bradley
Civil Dis. 3rd
City Cleveland.
Registration District no. 40603
Primary Registration District No. 40603
File No.  9584
Reg No 28?

2.  Full Name.  Mrs Deboroah Louisa Baldwin
Residence: Tasso Tenn
3. Female
4.  Color or Race: W
5. S, M, W, D: Widowed
6. Date of Birth: July 18 - 1852
7. Age: 87 Years, 2 Months, 12 Days
8.  Trade, profession etc: House Keeping
12 Birthplace: Bradley County, Tennessee
13. Fathers Name: James C Cowden
14. Fathers Birthplace: N.C.
15 Mothers Name, Maiden: Henrietta Chilcutt
16 Mothers Birthplace: Bradley Co, Tenn
17. Informant: Frank [Simmons?], Cleveland Tenn Rd #2
18. Burial, Cremation, or Removal: New Friendship, Date 5-2, 1939
19. Undertaker: [?] Funeral Home, Cleveland Tenn
20. Filed 6-6, 1939 Mattie Bryant
21. Date of Death: April 30, 1939
22.  I hereby certify, That I attended deceased from [?] 1937? to April 30, 1939. 
I last saw her alive on Apr 30, 1939, death is said to have occurred on the
date stated above at 7:18 (can't tell am/pm)
(can not read the physicians hand writing....)
I hereby certify the above to be a true and correct copy of the original recoard on file in
this office.  Not valid unless countersigned by Director, Division of Vital Statistics.
(Signed) W.C. Williams, Commissioner.
(Sighed) W W Hubbard, Director, Division of Vital Statistics
Date Issuesd 5/24/39
(The Division of Vital Statistics was established January 1, 1914)

Page 22
War Department
Adjutant General's Office
Washington, D.C. Dec 27th, 1880.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt from your Office of
Application for Pension No. 296.675, and to return it herewith,
with such information as is furnished by the files of this Office.
(can not read this sentence until Hugh's name) Hugh W
Baldwin was enrolled on the 3 rd
day of Feby, 1864, at Charleston, in Co. I
10th Regiment of Tenn Cavy Volunteers
(a line through the next lines to handwritten notes)
Present June 30/65.  Return May 65
not on file.  Company was at Johnsonville Tenn
May & June '65.
Mustered out Aug 1/65 Nashville Tenn.
The records of this office furnish no evidence of
alleged disability.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Lazy Genealogist

This is the year I clean up my act, I mentioned the big "redo" before or should I call it the Great Migration of "My Stuff" from the published family history.  The published version by my Mothers Cousin has been my crutch and I really need to sift out what I have proof for and if I don't, get it.

This brings me to this file I ordered from the National Archives dare I say 25 years ago?  I glanced at it, I put it in my file box and I am not sure why I never did anything with it, other than I meant too but then put the Genealogy away for about 20 years.  So in this quest for documenting and sourcing, I pulled this file out (25 pages worth) and started to read it.  Blink.  Blink.  Blink.  I think I may have seen the branch of the service this said he was in and put it aside, the published book had Hugh W Baldwin in the 62nd Tennessee Mounted.. and... I am now convinced that is the incorrect Hugh W. Baldwin.  Now, if you follow my blog at all, you will see I agonize over his father, Hugh Lawson Baldwin, a lot too.  I feel a trend here.  So, I read this file, it is his Pension Claim file that his wife, Deborah Louise Cowden Duncan, took a long time to get.  I will have to go to the published book and find the excerpt about Deborah being awarded the pension.  It does the heart good after so many years forced to live a meager existence.

It is the documentation in this file that is outstanding.  Sworn, in front of Justices of the Peace, Lawyers, County Clerks and so on, this legal proceding offers me the following documentable events:

1. Marriage of Hugh Wilson Baldwin to Deborah Louise Cowden.
2. Death date and Burial date of Hugh Wilson Baldwin.
3. Three affidavits by the Physicians that attended Deborah during the births of their five children, my
    great-grandmother Carrie Ann Baldwin Duncan being one of those children.
4. His service record given by the War Department, in Co I, 10th Tennessee Calvary.
5. A photocopy of Deborah Louise's death certificate.

Today.. finally, I transcribed all 25 pages!  I do have to say I like Transcript 2.3.  I did have a problem with it not saving after three or four pages so would have to close and reopen the program.  I looked at the website and it hasn't been updated in quite some time.  The Dell I used it on is finicky so it could be the machine.

Marriage of Hugh Wilson Baldwin to Deborah Louise Cowden:

Birth of Carrie Ann Baldwin Duncan:

I will have to look at Footnote again.  I didn't see this file there before but I did see the other Hugh W Baldwin File.   Hugh Baldwin seems to be a popular name during the time.  I recall chasing another Hugh L Baldwin thinking it was my Hugh Lawson.

This post is really an Amanuensis Monday post but I am too darned pleased to have this file finally transcribed! (As an off-topic aside.. I am the Amanuensis for Pennsic 40!  That was the title I was given for being secretary to the Mayor for next years event.)

PS.  I realize the background for my blog is missing.. I will get it fixed soon.

Find A Grave (Written and never posted - 7/16/10)

Find A Grave (Written and never posted - 7/16/10)
I have wanted to volunteer for a long time and finally did. I did this because I was requesting headstones from Tennessee and thought I should "give back", finally. I have often posted on various boards that I would be willing to trod out to snap photos for people. It is an easier way to help out the headstone seekers without daring my sacroiliac joint to inflame with anger. Small hunting projects. So eagerly I have been waiting for my own results, excitingly checking my email daily to find no notice of any head stones there but within a hour of clicking the volunteer button, I had three requests and from the two cemetery's that I am sandwiched between. Seriously, I have a cemetery one road to the north and one road to the south from me. Within walking distance, how cool is that! This morning I fulfilled two of the requests and when the page said the requester would be notified I saw a link for her other requests and popped that open for a peek and wow, she has about 30 requests that have been sitting there for months not claimed by a volunteer! Two I can do for her as they are local to me. And it not one place; Illinois, Pennsylvania, New York (too far for me to travel), Delaware, Vermont and Maryland. Now I am wondering if anyone will pick up my requests for my scattered places in Tennessee (wait until I start on NC and Virginia)! And ugh, I just looked, none of them are claimed!
I will have to poke around and see if there is a way I can figure out if there are long standing unclaimed requests for my area for other people. (Never mind, figured it out!)
(Update - 9/3/10 and Pennsic in between!) Since then a couple of wonderful people have uploaded pictures of graves from my requested photo's list. And I have visited quite a few cemeteries in my area hunting down that elusive stone for people far away. Also, while I am there for the requested photo, I take pictures of the family members around them and upload them too in case they are useful, since I am there, I am happy to do it. While a few have not turned out to be their people, the stones are there for the next seekers and I feel it is such a worthwhile investment of my time and a way to give back and pay it forward. Genealogists, in my experience, are the nicest kind of people. I have printed a few requests to go find this weekend!

Some of the bounty (I asked for 8 stones and have 6 so far, and that was only Tennessee, I have a couple more states!)
 David Washing Duncan and Carrie Ann Baldwin Duncan

 William Franklin Duncan

(some great stuff about Deborah Louise Cowden Baldwin and her husband 
Hugh Wilson Baldwin in the next post!!!!!!)