State of my Desk Address:
My "Re-Do" project is officially behind me now. I have started a new database in Roots Magic 4 and gone file by file of every person I have a file for and built their information based on what I physically have in hand as evidence, and everything I have is sourced and cited. I do have one file with about 5 documents to transcribe but that is it. This job took me about 6 months longer than I wanted but I am easily distracted and go through periods of leaving the family history work sit. While I do have a lot of information and dates, they are based on my mother's cousins genealogy, a woman I have mentioned many times. She did an amazing amount of work over the years but it is in book form so I have to view this information as a reference. And, there are a couple of lines I am not sure I agree with. I am forever in her debt in drawing out my interest in my 20's. I remember her visit here back then, she held me rapt with all the family stories and literally gave me the genealogy bug. She sent me home that night with a chart and a big smile on my face. Thank you, Patsy!
Now with my work separated out, now is the challenge to see how I stand up as a genealogist as I now have to tackle a lot of work needing done. I have so many lines I want to work on right now, today, immediately! I am a very impatient person. I have had some very nice people contact me about people in my tree but with my re-do project I was trying very hard not to get too sidetracked. I suppose I ought to start with the lines that people have reached out to me about. Good plan! The Cowden's and Stockton's have been neglected. My ggg-grandfather Cowden fought in the Revolutionary War on the Loyalist side. I would like to find that information. The Briggs is a brick wall. The Hensley's are a brick wall. It is assumed my Bannister Hensley is the family line that goes back to Marjorie Bruce of Scotland. I don't necessarily believe this so need to do some work to prove his parentage. My Baldwin's it is said came from Connecticut and moved down through the south to Tennessee. I have a way back Huguenot I would like to prove or disprove. The Duncan's, this line is another possible Revolutionary War soldier. This is all just my mother's paternal line, I haven't even mentioned the Scottish side of my mothers maternal side. A LOT of work to be done there. See! The list goes on and on. I love chasing the story. So now with all the podcasts I have listened to, all the classes I have been taking, webinars I have been sitting on and all the awesome Genealogists I am exposed to every day by social media and blog reading its time to get into my "zone".
Other Stuff:
Who Do You Think You Are -
Three episodes in I would like to thank NBC for cutting way back on the annoying recaps. It was almost insulting to be retold the story when back from commercial like I couldn't remember anything through the half dozen or more commercials I patiently sat through! I feel like this year they realize people are intelligent. I really liked Vanessa Williams episode. Her interest in what was going on was obvious, she wanted to learn, and it seemed she wanted to figure things out. One big thing I came away with that was a lead. My Great Grandfather, David Washington Duncan, served on the Tennessee Legislature as well and when Vanessa was shown the certificate of election, I realized that David W. might have one in the archives too so I made that a to do item in RM4.
Now, I know this will shock people but I did not know who Tim McGraw was. I am not a country music fan and I do not follow entertainment news of any kind unless the blurbs are thrust into my CNN rss feed that hits my Google Reader. Of the three episodes I liked his the least. He didn't seem invested like Vanessa and Rosie. I could see he was interested but the feeling I got was it was cool to him but not something he might do on his own, unlike the other two subjects. What I did not like about the episode came at the end. It was the Presley connection. Now that he got excited about. Again, I am not an Elvis fan, I grew up in a house were The Beatles and Herb Albert and the Tijuana Brass was "it". Haha. I am passionate about my heritage and extremely proud of it. I am as proud of my Dundee, Scotland ancestors who slogged out their days in the Jute mills of the mid 1800's as I am of my lone Revolutionary War soldier and everyone in between. He was given his family history which was, to me, very interesting and exciting so when they pulled the Elvis card (for ratings?) it kind of made me say, "ugh!". It wasn't really unnecessary. When he went back to his Uncle to tell of what they found out, he sounded like that was the best part. This is just observation, I hope I don't sound too harsh. I realize they had a story to tell, I just felt the Presley on the boat connection was not needed.
Rosie O'Donnell's episode was by far the best in both seasons. She saw the work that goes into the search, she appreciated it and let everyone know throughout the episode that she appreciated the work and expertise that goes into research like this. They used a range of sources and I think going to these sources showed that this is not a quick or easy hobby or profession. Her story was interesting, she was willing to jump in and question and figure out. I feel WDYTYY is engaging the subjects more this season to be a part of the process. It was a very human story, very touching and it put her own life into a new perspective. Seeing the kind of life her family lived in the poor house in Ireland was very compelling. I have to admit that I do not know a lot about the potato famine of the time and now am intrigued to learn more about it.
This week I plan on jumping in on the Radio Chat that Thomas MacEntee is hosting. I subscribed to the show via iTunes and listened to the three prior shows today and wished I had been there. It was so cool listening to the voices that I see on FB and blogs that I follow! I promise not to become a rabid type fan girl! *smile*
Speaking of... a big thank you to Paula Hinkle and Thomas MacEntee for the Jamboree button on my blog. I can't go, I can't afford to do much traveling but I would love to get to some of these major Genealogy events! Gosh, everyone has so much fun!! I will be there in spirit!
Enough catching up.. Until next time!
Steve Goes to Reform School
Back in October, I wrote about how my children's paternal ancestor
reportedly blew up the local schoolhouse and that his younger sons took the
fall so that...
2 weeks ago